Monday, July 30, 2012

Final week

Smiley Hi everyone!  I can't believe the final week of summer camp is here, the time sure has gone by real fast.  It has definitely been a fantastic summer of being a camp counselor and working on operational staff as well.  Last week we had a great bunch of excited junior age kids from two different churches.  We all had a lot of fun with the activities and time at the lake, along with spiritual blessings from the week's preaching.....many made decisions for Christ, including decisions for salvation Smiley.  Of course, you know I could not get thru the week without playing a little trick on my campers, lol.  I hid in the cabin and, when my campers showed up, I made a deep growling noise and jumped out at them.  One of the campers screamed, lol, it was hilarious Smiley.  All too soon the week was over with since the campers left on Friday instead of on Saturday like most of them do.  As usual, I got a lot of hugs , lol, practically had to peel the kids off of me.  Since we got done early, all the staff went to eat Fuddruckers for supper, then went on to enjoy a minor league baseball game, I love it .  As for our final week, we will be "invaded" by teens, lol, looking forward to another fantastic week!

Me (in the orange shirt) with my campers!


Monday, July 23, 2012

Letters from camp #7

SmileyHey everyone!  Another week of camp is over and another one begins today.  We had about 100 junior campers last week Smiley, wow that's a lot of campers.  As it usually is with junior age campers, they were both rambunctious and excited, lol, a great bunch of kids.  The kids had a fun time with all the activities, of course, being assistant counselor, I had fun as well, lol.  However, I did make the mistake of forgetting to put on my sunscreen before taking the boys to the yes, I got sunburned, ouch!Smiley  After that, I definitely made sure I didn't forget to use my sunscreen the rest of the week.  I also am making sure I am careful around the camp mascot, Al.....this is Al:

Yes, Al, the camp mascot, is a little alligator.  One of the staff took him out of the tank so some of the kids could pet him and look at him up close.  However, before they put him back in the tank, I walked a little too close by Al.....yes, he nearly nipped my backside, yikes!Smiley  Someone thought that would've made a funny picture, but I don't think so Smiley.

Other humor for the week, we got pranked by one of the sponsors when he was doing cabin inspections.  When doing the inspections, he thought it would be fun to toss stuff around and in each cabin and cause a mess, lolSmiley.  So goes the usual camp pranks, lol, makes camp fun!  On the spiritual side of things......the preaching was really good too with many souls getting saved Smiley.  But all too soon the week was over and it was time for the campers to go home.  Before they left, my campers all gave me big hugs Smiley, one kid squeezed me especially hard, lol.  Such a great week!

  Enjoying a game of pool with my junior campers!


Monday, July 16, 2012

Letters From Camp #6

Sun 1Hi everyone, another great week of camp has come and gone, I can't believe how fast this summer has gone.  Last week was exciting because we had middle school and high school age campers.  I was especially excited because my three sisters came to camp, it was great seeing them!Smiley  I was an assistant counselor with the middle schoolers, we had a super time with the various activities of swimming/tubing on the lake, dodgeball, counselor hunt, and chicken murder (no, lol, we don't kill any real chickens, it's just a game we play with a rubber chicken Smiley).  The preaching was also great as well with many decisions made for the Lord.  It was even more exciting for me because I had the privilege of dealing with a camper for the first time. SmileyIt was truly a blessing for the both of us and it touched my heart as well. I was very happy over this and continued to be even into the next day.  Working here has been really amazing Smiley!  Enjoy the pictures:

Our amazing staff choir!

Tubing on the lake!

Getting ready for another game!

  Me in my sombrero again, lol!

Have a great week!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Letters from camp #5

Happy SmileyAnother fun-filled week of camp has come and gone, lol!  We had 30 Junior age campers last week and, as usual, it was a great week of activities, games, preaching, and time at the lake.  Due to the extreme heat, we spent time most of our time inside the gym.  We also enjoyed some fireworks and watermelon Edible/Food Smilies on 4th of July holiday, it was great!  Oh, and four kids received Christ as Savior this week Happy Smiley!  So overall it was a great week!  As for me, I spent last week being assistant counselor and helping out on operational staff.  However, my fellow staff members thought it would be fun for me to go sliding down "The Summit", a huge waterslide we have on the lake.  I'm not too fond of heights, so they made a bet that if one of them scored a basket with the basketball, then I would have to go sliding down "The Summit".  Well, it took them awhile, but one of them finally scored a basket.  So, I was "forced" to climb that huge waterslide and slide down it.........I went screaming all the way downSmiley.  Sigh, such interesting things staff members like to engage in Smiley.  Anyway, this week, we are being "invaded" by middle schoolers and teenagers Scared Smiley Text .  Lol, actually it won't be that bad because my sisters will be here at camp this week, it will be good to see them.Smiley  Enjoy the pictures from last week:

Here I am goofing around at one of the campers (I'm in the guy in the purple shirt).

Dodgeball!  I'm in the background.

Another fun game!  I am in the green shirt next to the staff member in pink.

More dodgeball!  I'm in the far left.

Time for counselor hunt game!  I am in the sombrero, lol.

Fireworks at camp!


Monday, July 2, 2012

Letters from camp #4

Lost At SeaGreetings from camp!  I hope you all have been able to stay cool inspite of the crazy heat we've been having.  Temperatures have been in the 100's for the past couple of days Smiley, way too hot for anything.  We had a full week for camp......100 junior-age campers, fun!  I spent my time being an assistant camp counselor and also helping out on operational staff.  I also spent some time being sick againSmiley, it seems all the camp staff here is sharing a bad virus, coughing, stuffy, etc.  Ugh, not the kind of stuff I care to share!  This past Saturday, I went home to visit my family (I only live about an hour and a half from the camp). I had not been home in a month, so it definitely felt good to see everyone againSmiley, and they were all excited to see me.  My mom treated me to a meal at McDonald's, some cold medicine, and plus there were plenty of leftovers for me to eat, lol.....moms are good at making sure you are taken care of Smiley .  I got to enjoy some time with my siblings, some computer time, and church time as well.  It was a restful and relaxing time for me, but before I knew it I had to make the drive back to camp.  This week we are being "invaded" again by junior-age campers, lol, although not as many as we had last week.  It has been a great blessing working there at the camp, cetainly a wonderful group of people to work with Smiley

Goofy friends!

That's me on the lower left, wearing the sombrero, lol!

Mail time! 
There's the back of my head at the end of the table,lol, I'm wearing a bue shirt!
