Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Grade Day!

 School is done for this semester and I actually survived with my hair intact, lol!Smiley I thought that accounting class was going to be the death of me but miraculously I managed to pass it.  Here are my grades:

Essential Mathematics - "B"
Business Communication - "B"
Office Computation - "A"
Word Processing - "A"
Success and Study Skills -"A"
Sales and Advertising - "A"
Business Law I - "A"
Payroll Accounting - "C"

How's that, lol!Smiley  I am so happy to be done and now I look forward to next last semester at community college.  I have to say that I am really excited to be in the homestretch here, lol, it's been an interesting experience.  Oh, I almost forgot to tell you how I did in the contest for "king" at my community college.  I got second place in this, but I did win the "Mr. Academic" award for having the highest G.P.A. among the male contestants.  I got a plaque for that, along with a trophy, a rose, and also a Christmas present (each of us contestants got one).  It's been an exciting school year so far, I hope next semester is just as good.

Now that my brain can rest for the next couple of weeks, I can concentrate on doing some Christmas shopping and just relaxing.  My job at Burger King is still as crazy as usual.  It was especially crazy this past weekend when we were offering "Buy one whopper, get one free" deal.  Smiley Ugh, it was totally insane with people mostly ordering whoppers all night long.  I can't say that this weekend will be any better because we are running another offer...."Free fries Friday".  People will be scrabbling to get all the free fries they can get...such insanity! 


Friday, December 2, 2011

Tearing my hair out....almost!

Pulling My Hair OutNo, lol, I didn't really tear out my hair, but I might as well have done it during my Payroll Accounting test....I think I might have accomplished more.  This class has been my most frustrating class of all but I am so happy it is my last accounting class.  I'm sure I can safely say that I will NOT be getting a job as an accountantDismay.  Thankfully I am doing well in my other classes and will be getting some last minute projects done in the next few days.  Final exams will be next week so everything is winding down for this semester.  I can't believe this semester is already all but done, I guess time really flies when you're having fun, lol.  Next semester will be my last semester and I will graduate from community college next MayWakka Wakka!  There is lots to be done soon.....apply to a four-year college for next Fall, send in transcripts, apply for a summer job, send in references for that, apply for financial aid for next Fall, apply for a scholarship, and write an essay for that scholarship.  Sounds like a lot to do but at the same time it is all very exciting.  Speaking of excitement, tomorrow I will be going with my family to a Christmas parade in the next town over from us, then next Saturday we'll be going to the parade here in town.  I am looking forward to some fun.....and candy, lol!Big Smile


Monday, November 28, 2011

Voting day...will I win?!

It's voting day at my community college, both today and tomorrow.  I am running for "king" of my community college, and of course, there are two girls running for "queen" of the community college.  My weekend was already crazy with getting a paper done and doing accounting homework.  But I also had a speech to put together along with practicing my piano performance (for the talent portion of the competition).  In my speech, I had to say why I felt they should vote for me Smiley.  It all went really well, although I have to say my competitor did a good job with his talent performance the competition is fierce, lol.  One of the girls running for "queen" is a classmate of mine, so I voted for her.  I have to say that it felt kind of weird voting for myself, lol Smiley.  Now that is done and I can relax and wait........they will announce the winners next week......this will be a long wait, lol.Nervous

In the meantime, I have about two weeks of school left and I will be done with this semester.  Of course there are still a few last minute assignments to do.  I have to present my memo report and Powerpoint presentation in my Business Communication class tomorrow.  I also have a resume and cover letter to do for the same class.  There will be a test in Payroll Accounting this week, hopefully I should do alright on it.....although I did get a 100% on my continuing project for this class .  I also have a test in two other classes, Math and Sales/Advertising.  Then there is another quiz coming up plus I have a portfolio to put together for another class.  Phew!  Will I survive the next two weeks?  Lol!


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Keeping busy

It's been two weeks since I last posted, lol, so I figured it's about time I get an entry made Smiley.  Things have been very busy for me around here with schoolwork during the week and my job on the weekends.  It's another week and a half before I go on break from community college, so I will be trudging along until then.

Things at my job have been very busy, but that seems to be the way it goes during hi gh school football season.  Once the game is done, people swarm to Burger King for an after-game meal.  That makes the drive-thru become non-stop with customers Smiley.  On top of that I came down with a bad cold, so it was not easy to focus on my job or schoolwork.  There really was no way for me to stay home from work, they don't let you just call in sick.  You have to have a doctor's note to say that you cannot work.....kind of hard to get to a doctor on the weekend when I got sick Smiley.  Along with this, because I was sick, I forgot to complete an online quiz for my Payroll Accounting class.....sighSmiley.  And since I didn't do the quiz it gave me a grade of "0".  But unfortunately, the teacher said I could not make up the quiz, that is just the school policy.  Even if you miss coming to a class due to illness, you cannot make-up the quizzes.  I am not sure why it's that way, unless it is a way to keep people from cheating on quizzes (since fellow classmates would know what is on the quiz).  She felt kind of bad because she knew I was sick and it could not be helped.  But thankfully the lowest grade in the class will be dropped, so obviously this will be the grade that gets dropped.  That is good because, so far, I have a "B" in this class Smiley.

My math has been going pretty well, at least until this last lesson related to Geometry.  I thought I had it all figured out right, I did the homework correctly.  But when I took the test it seems I didn't do so well.  Time to re-group, lol, especially since my next section is related to pre-algebra.  Along with all of this, I've had the usual tests and quizzes and have managed to do firly well on them.  But I have two on-going projects, one for "Success and Study Skills" and the other one for "Business Communication".  The project for Success and Study Skills involves putting together a portfolio of your academic plan, your short-term goals, your long-term goals, the results of learning evaluation, samples of your school work, etc.  I have the needed three-ring binder, sheet protectors, and tab divider, along with some of the paperwork I have to put in it.  I just need to slow down long enough to get it done, lol.  I also have a paper to write for this class too.  For Business Communication, I need to do a report on Burger King Smiley and also put together a Power Point presentation on it.  This is due by this Thursday so I need to get on this today.  Later, after Thanksgiving break, we all have to present our report and Power Point Presentation.  Soooo, as usual, I have a load of work to do.  But then, that's college work for you, definitely more to it than what you see in high school.

See you later!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My week

My week has been busy as usual with school, work, and homework.  My school days run fairly non-stop from about 9:30 until 4 or 5 in the afternoon.  I have a tutor for my Payroll Accounting class (he is a Certified Public Accountant), so I think should be able to survive that class, lol Hysterical.  My "Success and Study Skills" class has been interesting, we've had to get some practice in listening skills.  On Monday and Thursday night, I and others taking the class, watched culture films on different countries.  We have to write a paper on one of the films we watched, putting in as much information as we can in the paper.  We get points for watching the films and also writing the paper.  I found it all really interesting, learned some things I didn't know.....not such a hard way to earn a good gradeWay To Go.  We also had our Fall Fest at community college on Thursday.  I didn't win any prizes like I did last year, but I did enjoy the pizza and Dr. Pepper, lol.  Oh, and one of my teachers came to school dressed like Captain Jack Sparrow from "Pirates of the Caribbean", lol, that was great! Thumbs Up

Things at my job have been about the same, although we were recently told that some of us will possibly be getting fired, probably due to economics.  It will be awhile before we know anything, plus we don't even know who will be fired or will just happen.  Not a nice way for things to go, but I am trying not to worry about it for now.

At the same time all of this is going on our dog Perky got sick real bad during the week because of some wild berries she ate.  Inspite of decicine from the vet, she died last night while I was at work although my mom did not tell me until I got home from work.  She did not want me getting upset at work or have trouble driving home from work because of being upset.  But I kind of had the feeling she had died, even before I got home from work.  I had texted my mom earlier to ask how our dog was doing.  My mom didn't really answer me, just told me not to worry and to focus on my job for now.  She did have a point there though.  When I had tried to take an online quiz (while worrying about Perky), I didn't do very well on the quiz.  Thankfully the lowest grade will be dropped, so I should still be fine as I still have a "B" in this particular class.  So yes, my mom was right, I didn't need to be worrying, it would only distract me.

I spent the today getting a hole dug so we could bury Perky (it would have been too hard for my dad to do since he has arthritis so bad).  It took awhile to get it all done, plus it was really cold outside....glad my mom and sister (catlover) went out to get some hot cocoa Coffee.  Still, it was not easy to get this done.  Perky was such a good dog......yes, she could be obnoxious at times, lol, but mostly a good dog.  I am going to miss her!



Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Getting busier

WritingAs if I wasn't busy enough with school and work, things just got a little busier for me today.  I started my mini-class at community college today, it's called a mini-class because it is only half a semester long.  The name of the class is "Sales and Advetising", it looks pretty interesting.  This class meets twice a week so my schedule for Tuesdays and Thursdays will be a little hectic.  Also, I have put my name in as a nominee for "king" of my community college King, lol.  Of course, there will be female students who will be running for "queen" of the community college.  On Monday, I had to turn in a list of ways I would improve the community college.  My list included adding some healthier food options in the school cafeteria, adding in some team sports such as basketball/vollyball, adding in a club for the business and early childhood students, and also adding in a food drive and toy drive as a way for the college to get involved in the community.  I will find out tomorrow if I have been accepted as a candidate.  I will then need to post flyers that say "Vote for Me" Smiley, lol, as will others who are running for "king" and "queen".  Later, in December, there will be a pageant at the college where all candidates will give some kind of talent performance such as giving a speech, singing, playing an instrument, etc.  I think I will probably be playing something on the piano, but I don't yet know what I'll play.  Of course, the ones with the most votes will be crowned "king" and "queen" of the community college, the runners-up will be part of their "court".  They also will get to be representatives of the college, along with riding on the college float in the Christmas parade.  Sounds like fun!Thumbs Up

Other business I have going on......I am on the parking committee at the college Wakka Wakka.  Part of the requirements of running for "king" of the community college is that I attend the meetings for the Student Government Association twice a month.  So, having attended the first meeting on Monday, I was placed on the parking committe.  As a student there, I have had my fair share of parking issues there on campus.  Depending on the time of day, you can usually get a good parking space.  However, other times it can be very hard to find a parking space, so many students end up parking on the grass.....and this can be a problem when the weather has been wet and rainy.  Anyway, it will be interesting to see what all we will try to do to come up with a good solution for this problem.

Work at Burger King continues to go well Smiley.  But unfortunately I gave myself a bit of a headache at work, lol, a little accident.  It was after closing and I was washing dishes when I heard a sound on the shelf above my head.  I looked up just in time to catch a falling object with my forehead.....ouch Smiley!  I was alright but I was definitely left with a slight headache.  One of my fellow employees also had a little accident, he dropped something heavy on his foot....another ouch!  Sigh, I guess it was just one of those nights! 

Well, I have to get to some homework now, see you later!


Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall Break!

Too Happy 2Woo hoo, I am on Fall break from community college!  My brain has been getting fried as of lately with tests, quizzes, and other assignments, so my brain is welcoming the break, lol.  Inspite of the craziness I have managed to make good grades on everything....except for my test in Payroll Accounting.  Words cannot describe the looks on the faces of my classmates as we took that test Bug Eyed, one of my classmates even looked like she was about to cry Sad, no one felt ready for this test.  Basically we had to figure the payroll for imaginary people with different types of work hours.  It was crazy because we had to really know the formulas for all of this, and that's a lot of stuff to remember.  As we guessed, none of us did very well on the test.  I decided right then and there that I was going to turn in the needed form to get some tutoring for this sense in risking any further bad grades.

Things continue to go well at Burger King, I am definitely thankful for that.  I came so close to quitting a few weeks ago, but for some reason God still has me here.  It has certainly turned cool at night though, I have had to wear my black sweatshirt under my Burger King uniform it helps to have a heater near the area where I work the drive-thru window.  But I'm not complaining, lol, all this cool weather means the grass is slowing down growing.  Soon, I will not need to bother with grass-cutting or weed-eating.  Ignoring You I don't exactly enjoy cutting grass, but it needs to be done since it is hard on my dad's health to do the work.  

I am currently counting down the days until my 18th birthday, Birthdaywoo hoo!  It is only a little over a month away and I can hardly wait.  Turning 18 means I will be old enough to vote in next year's election, be old enough for jury duty (if I am called up), plus get my regular full-fledged driver's license.  It feels strange, yet exciting, to be taking on more repsonsibilities, expecially when it comes to my civic duty of voting or serving on a jury.  I am mostly looking forward to getting to vote next year.  I have been keeping up with the debates among the Republican candidates, it will be interesting to see how that turns out.  Either way it will be an exciting time for me! Way Too Happy


Thursday, September 22, 2011

No rest for the weary

SleepyThere's no rest for the weary ones such as me.  Lol, I'm not really that weary, but a busy cycle of schoolwork, homework, working at Burger King has had me going non-stop.  But my hard work has paid off in my schoolwork, my grades are pretty good.  I continue to maintain a "B" average in my Business Communication class and also in my Essential Mathematics class.  So far, I believe I am making "A's" in the rest of my classes.  While there has been plenty of quizzes, written assignments, and tests next week, I have been able to keep up with things just fine.  It's nice when I am on campus, on break between classes, I am able to get a bunch of studying done in the quiet of the Academic Center.  This is especially helpful in getting my Math assignments done, the less distracions there are the better, right?  With three sisters, two dogs, and two cats at home.......there are just too many distractions around to concentrate on Math, lol.Crazy 

Oh yes, something humerous that happened at school, lol.  I was enjoying lunch with my fellow classmates in the school cafeteria, eating my Hot Pocket and drinking my bottled water (strawberry flavored, lol).  I was about halfway done with my water when a classnate asked, "How long have you been drinking that?"  I answered, "For awhile, I guess, why do you ask?"  My classmate said, "Dude, you have a dead fly floating in your bottled water".SickenedYuck!  Sure enough there was a dead fly floating in my newly-opened bottle of water......ick, that was the end of me drinking that water.  I guess they have a fly problem at school, lol.Fly

Burger JointAs usual I have to work at Burger King both Saturday and Sunday night .  Pray for me as I have been having a stressful time at work lately.  It was so stressful last week that I thought I would need to quit my job due to some issues there that weren;t getting dealt with right.  Things are still not cleared up all the way, so all I can do for now is continue in my job and let God handle the rest.  Have a great weekend!

SportsfanGo Red Sox

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Time for another post, lol!

Hysterical  It's been about a week since I last posted, so it is about time I posted an entry, lol.  As usual I have kept busy with work, school, and homework, although I do make sure I have some down time playing computer games.  Work at Burger King has been going fine, busy, but fine.  I ended up getting called in to work on Monday night even though I don't usually work on school nights.  But this was an emergency, a fellow employee had a minor accident on the way to work, so they needed me to take their place.  I didn't mind as I am always eager to get my paycheck built up, lol, got to pay that expensive car insurance....yikes Shock 3!  Anyway, I got home by 2:00 a.m., then back up at 8:00 a.m. so I could get a last minute online school assignment done before 10:00.  After that, I downed some coffee Coffee and headed off to community college.  Somehow, I managed to ace two tests I had that day, inspite of only six hours of sleep, Sleepy.....although I don't care to go thru another day like that being so tired. 

School this week has consisted of tests, quizzes, and other assignments.  I am in the middle of a huge amount of math homework I need to do, along with a math test.  Since this is a pre-requisite math class I am taking, much of the material is review for me, but I find it helps to be refreshing my memory with this stuff.  I need to be prepared though, next semester I take the actual math class that is required for my degree.  I am continuing to enjoy my Business Law class, I find the whole subject very interesting.  I guess it helped that I took that Paralegal Study class this past summer, it has helped me be more familiar with what we're studying in Business Law class.

Today was payday for me, plus I had a bunch of errands to run too.  I needed to get an oil change, run my car thru the car wash, vacuum/clean out my car, get a snack at McDonald'sFrench Fries , and put some gas in the gas can for the lawn mower.  Speaking of snacks, lol, I think I need to cut back a little since I have been putting on quite a bit of weight Blushy .  Having my own cash, I am able to stop and get a snack while working at Burger King, stop and get something on the way home from school, and eat on campus.  Well, it definitely adds up after awhileCover Up.  My mom has suggessted that I cut back on the Coke and also suggested some healthier alternatives to what I usually get.  It hasn't been easy, but so far I have been trying to make better choices about what I eat, hopefully it will make a differenceWay To Go .

Got to get to bed now as I have a busy weekend ahead of me working at Burger King and doing math.  Have a great weekend!
