Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back to school

Hello friends, Hurricane Irene is gone, and now it's time for me to go back to school, lol.  You see, those 70-80 mph winds knocked out electricity for a lot of people here, including the community college where I attend.  I've had both Monday and Tuesday off from school.  I took advantage of things and got caught up on some schoolwork.  Here's what I got done and the grades I got:

Math test - "B"
Word Processing assignment - "B"
Payroll Accounting quiz - "B"
Business Communication quiz - "A"

Thumbs UpPretty good, I think, lol!  While I've enjoyed my time off, tomorrow it's back to school I go, lol!

I had to work the night the hurricane was coming.  We closed early at 11:00 at night, but we had closing-related things to do, so I did not leave for home until 1:00 a.m.  Would you believe I had to take the trash out at work?  In this windy weather?  It was so windy outside that my hat nearly blew off of my head, lol.Hysterical  Anyway, on my way home from work I came across a tree in the road which had been uprooted.  I was driving slow enough so it was not a problem to go around it.  I had brought home some supplies of my own, one of which was a box of honey buns......we ate these for breakfast the next morning after our power went out.  They were great!Happy 

Saturday was kind of a long day because we had no power or internet and there wasn't much to do.  There was a lot of damage with downed trees and some people were experiencing flodding in some areas too.  I wasn't scheduled for work that night, but I ended up working Saturday night as well, kind of by accident.  I went by Burger King later in the day so I could use their wi-fi, get on the internet, and do some school assignments.  While there, I offered my help if they needed me, and they did, lol.  My manager was nice enough to let me come in early and try to get some schoolwork done before I started my job.  But I could not accomplish much online because my school's internet was down too, so I went on to work.  With a lot of people out of electricity, it was non-stop busy at Burger King, I was definitely not bored, lol.Too Funny  In the end, all of us who came to work that night was rewarded with a free meal the next night we came in to workYes , sounded great to me!  So, when they called me in on Monday night, I got to have my free meal during my break.....and I got to work the front register insread of working the drive-thru window like I usually do.  What a fanatstic night!Way To Go

SportsfanBasketball 6

Thursday, August 25, 2011

School and other things

WritingSchool is in full swing for me, complete with homework and quizzes, lol.  It has been great getting back with my friends and teachers, my classes have been great as well.  My Business Law class sounds like it will be easy, the teacher said most people have been able to do well in that class without any tutoring.  Besides that, this particular teacher is one of my favorites because he lays out exactly what is expected, gives you a study guide, and goes over any mistakes you made.....this works great for me!Way To Go My teacher for Word Processing and "Success and Study Skills" is pretty good too. 

Oh, my "Success and Study Skills" class was interesting this week, we got to go through a class discussion on stating your opinions on different controversial subjects.  The teacher gave out different controversial opinions, then each one of us had to state if agreed, disagreed, or felt neutral about the subject.  Believe me, there were definitely some differences of opinion, lol.  One topic asked, "Do you feel Michael Jackson was responsible for his own death?"  I was neutral on this because I felt that he did allow the doctor to give him medication which was illegal.....medication which ultimately led to his death.  Others felt only the doctor was responsible.  Another topic asked..."Should the government legalize marijuana so that they can reap the tax benefits?"  Now I was definitely against this for obvious reasons, I am a Christian and do not believe one should use drugs like that.  But, believe it or not, there were a few of my classmates who thought the government should go ahead and legalize marijuana Shock 2.  Kind of makes me wonder where their heads were at!Oh Jeez
Other things.......can you believe we felt an earthquake here?!  It was on Tusday afternoon while classes were going on, I was studying in the Academic Center.  It was weird, we felt the whole building shaking and saw the computers and stuff shaking in front of us.  It did this for about 30 seconds, we were all looking at each other like "what in the world?"  Of course, a lot of us went online to find out what it was......seems a 5.8 earthquake happened in Mineral, VA but it was fel all up and down the East coast.  Other "excitement".....we had to have a lock-down at school one time this week.  A lock-down of the school is done if there is someone suspicious on campus or an armed person is on-campus......so they lock all doors to the buildings and classrooms.  This is something new they have started doing in light of some other similiar instances on bigger college campuses.  This time though it turned out to be a false alarm, hopefully there won't be other occurrences like this.

I have to work this weekend with Hurricane Irene bearing down on us Crazy. For now, I am only scheduled to work Friday night, but they may still need me on Saturday due to the storm.  Either way, I am sure it will be interesting, usually is when there is a major storm.  We have had power go out before, plus there was one time one of the lady managers freaked out and hit the floor when thunder hit real close to the restaurant.Bug Eyed  So, like I said, this may be a fun weekend if people lose their power.......where will they go to eat if they can't cook at home?!  Sigh, at times like this we could get swamped with hungry customers!Feed Me


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back in School

BackpackHello everyone, I am back in school now, it has been great to see my business classmates at community college.  Monday afternoon was totally crazy because it was registration day.  I only needed to add a couple of classes, but it was so crowded with so many rgistering for classes that it was about an hour and a half before I finally got to see my advisor and make the needed changes.  It was good to ee him again as I have had him for a class before and I have him for three classes this Fall....he's a pretty good teacher.  Once I got that done, I went on to get my new student ID since my previous student ID says "dual enrollee" on it, but I am not dual enrolled anymore.  My new ID says "Business Administration" underneath my name and photo.  They are real strict about everyone wearing their ID, you can't just be carrying it in your backpack or anything, you have to be wearing it.  The other new rule is all classroom doors to be locked during classtime.  I guess they're getting strict with things when it comes to safety on campus.

Anyway, once that was all done I went to the bookstore to get my textbooks.  I was able to get all but one textbook which was not yet in until today. when I started my classes  I have a full schedule this Fall, here is what I'm taking:  Payroll Accounting, Word Processing, Success and Study Skills, Business Communication, Office Computation, Business Law Sales and Advertising, and Essential Mathematics. Two of these classes are re-takes so that I can make a better grade, and Sales/Advertising is a mini-class which starts in October.....so things will get even crazier then, lol.Crazy

Got to get to some homework done now, then I have to work this weekend......busy as usual, lol!Laugh 



Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Camp behind me, school before me

I am back from summer camp, and let me tell you, I had a blast!Too Happy 2  There was so much to do, lol, I never really missed my cell phone.  We played a lot of hilarious games, one which included playing volleyball with a really large ball.  Then there was the lake!  We went swimming, tubing, sliding, and fishing.  The tubing was the most fun, getting pulled all over the lake by the boat Thumbs Up.  I tried the slide they had, it was called the Summit.......but I found that I went down that slide way too fast.Shock 2  The fishing was pretty fun!  FishingI did manage to catch some fish, but most of the time I think I mostly fed worms to the fish, lol.Laugh  The preaching was good, also the skits performed by the counselors were so funny, I almost fell out of my chair laughing, lol Hysterical.  And, of course, you can't forget the fabulous food, lol, the food was a great along with the occassional snack I bought at the snack bar .  And I have to say that their sweet tea was absolutely the best I have ever drank......I loved it!Way To Go   

Once I got back from camp, I had to go to work that night.  It turned out to be a great night of work for me as I scored well on my job evaluation (we get them every six months), better than I did last time.  Because of that, I earned myself a pay raise!Wakka WakkaWoo hoo!  They had also written on my evaluation for them to let me work in other positions at Burger King since I already know how to do other positions.  For the past year, I have only worked as a cashier in the first drive-thru window.  I hope they heed the advice given, I sure could use a change of scenery at my job, lol!Hysterical

With camp behind me, I look forward to school starting next Wednesday and seeing all my business classmates Cool.  But first, on Monday, I have to go on campus to add two classes to my schedule and get my books.  I also have to print out my class schedule and give it the person who is in charge of VA Educational Assistance.  This will verify that I am attending full-time, then the financial assitance should be coming through from the Veteran's Administration.  While I wait on that, I already have some financial help by way of a Pell grant I was able to get.  Every little bit helps!

Have a sporty day!Basketball 6
