Monday, April 30, 2012

Exam time and a trip to the zoo!

Yes, it's that time of year again, lol, it's final exam time Scared Smiley Text !  So of course I am in the midst of studying for exams, getting a paper done for English, crtitiquing a speech, and then I have a speech to give later today....a special ocassion speech.  Thankfully this speech will be a little easier in that no research was needed, plus the time limit is shorter.  But in the middle of all this studying, I did get to enjoy going on a field trip Friday with college classmates of mine, we had a really great time! Happy Smiley  We went to a really large zoo about a couple of hours from us, so we had to leave a little early in the morning.  We stopped for a quick breakfast at McDonald's (we got our food to-go) and then went on down the road.  We rode in two different school vans, it made for an interesting trip, lol, nothing like a bunch of nutty young adults getting together like thatHappy Smiley .  The zoo was really huge so my legs really got a workout.  We had an awesome time!  There was soooo much to see, there aren't enough words to describe it, so here are some pictures:

Me and my nutty friends (I am the guy on the back righthand side, wearing glasses)


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