Tuesday, April 3, 2012

School and fun!

It's hard to believe it but I only have a little over a month until I am completely done with community college...I will graduate May 10th Thinking Smiley Text !  College work has been going well.  I made a 90% on my Economics test and made a 100% on my Sales/Marketing test.  At the moment, I am currently working on an informative speech, I am doing my speech on persuading everyone as to why athletes need a cap on their salary (in other words, not getting such outrageous salaries).  I also have a quiz and paper coming up for an English class but that is not due until next Friday. 

I had a great time this past weekend at the statewide SGA conference (SGA stands for Student Government Association).  Some of my fellow students who are officers and delegates came to the conference (I was a delegate).  There were the usual business meetings and also workshops on things like leadership.  There was also competition between the different community colleges, it was great fun Happy Smiley!  My friend and I competed in a ping pong tournament, however we did not get very far in it.  I did not last very long in the log rolling contest or on the mechanical bull either.  I was determined to win a prize by riding on the mechanical bull for at least 30 seconds, but the longest I stayed on was for 24 seconds.  Needless to say I was very sore after doing all of thatSad Smilies.  But I did find my area of expertise.....a contest that was set up like the game show Jepordy.  I managed to answer enough questions in order to go stand in this thing with money blowing all around you, lol.  Of course, I grabbed as much as I could, lol.  I won $7, yay!Happy Smiley  The hotel we stayed in was very nice, the food was great, and we even had a nice formal dinner on Saturday evening.  We also threw a surprise party for the lady who is in charge of SGA at our college.  As the party was getting started I had a little "accident" with my chair as I was sitting down.   Indifferent SmileysLet's just say that my chair got caught on something as I was slidding back into it.....I ended up flipping backwards in my chair....sigh, I am sure my friends got a good laugh out of that one Animated Laughing Smiley, so embarassingConfused Smileys!  Other than that I had a great time.  I am looking forward to going on a class field trip with some other students who are a part of the student services program like I am.  Tomorrow, we will be going to visit a TV news station, Ripley's Aquarium, and also a college....and of course, we'll stop somewhere nice to eat, lol.  It's a great way to start off our Easter break from community college.!Happy Smiley


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