Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Voting day and grade day!

Flag SmileyToday was the day my state had its primaries, so I was off to vote today.  But before I did my voting, I did some volunteering with my county's Republican party.  I passed out flyers for Republican candidates, gave out some voting information, and passed out ballot samples.  I was really excited to be able to volunteer in this way....and finally get to vote!Happy Smiley Later on tonight we will be finding out which Republican candidates won, whoever wins will be the person to run against the Democrats this Fall.  We also had to vote on the Marriage Ammendment, this is the ammendment that defines marriage to be only between a man and a woman (of course I voted for this ammendment). Tonight, I will be going with my mom to a Victory party with Ilario Pantano, one of the Republican candidates for Congress in my state.  I have personally met him one time before, so I am excited (as a voter) to be meeting him again. 

Today is grade day at my community college, so here are my final grades for this semester:

Mathematics Models - "B"
Argument-based Research - "A"
Oral Communication - "A"
Fundamentals of Selling - "A"
Survey of Economics - "B"
Physical Fitness I - "A"

With these grades, I have a 3.6 GPA for this semester.  My final GPA for all classes I have taken is a 3.3 GPA. SmileyLooks like I will be qualifying for the Honors program and dorm at college this Fall, all my hard work has paid off. SmileyI am sooo excited!!!  And I am so glad to be all done with school for now, I am looking forward to my summer camp job.  Next, I have graduation photos and graduation practice tomorrow night.  Then, Thursday night.....graduation  Graduation emoticon (Graduation Smileys)!  It can come fast enough!


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