Friday, April 20, 2012

Studying, studying!

Book Surf 1I've been flying thru a lot of studying this week, but things are slowly winding down towards graduation from community college.  I gave my persuassive speech on Monday, it was on "Why Athletes Need a Cap on Their Salary".  I did alright on the speech but was short on my time, so I'm sure I lost points on that....oh well.  On Tuesday I had a major Math test, I did good on that test and now I'm holding onto a "B" n that class.  Also, Tuesday and Wednesday was a little hectic as I was getting a sales presentation together for my "Sales and Advertising" class.  Everyone in the class was partnered with someone to put together a role-play presentation.  The person I was partnered with was frantically getting her stuf together s well just like I was.  I had gotten some of it done but so much other schoolwork got in the way of my completing it.  So we worked on it and finally got it all put together on Wednesday.  Our role-play presentation was on Poppa John's Pizza, I played the role of someone representing the Poppa John's company Smiley.  We managed to do very well and we also made the required time frame of 10-12 minutes.  I picked up my graduation cap/gown, announcements, and name cards on Wednesday, so it's time to get busy and get those announcements in the mail.  Some of them I will be mailing to relatives and friends, and some of them I will be giving to friends of mine.  For now, I continue on with getting other assignments done.  I have a major paper to do for my online English class, an Economics test, as well as critiquing a speech and writing a paper on that too.  Physical ed. class is progressing well, although we all got quite a workout on the exercise bikes smiley.  But I need to stay in shape so I can be ready for my summer job at camp.  Well, that's about it for now, have a great weekend!


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