Monday, June 25, 2012

Letters from camp #3

SmileyHey everyone, here I am again with "letters from camp", lol.  Week three has come and gone with the usual excitement of games, activities, and preaching.  As I mentioned last week, I was switched over to operational staff, so I was busy with whatever things needed to be done.  Some fellow staff and I cleared away a bunch of brush in front of the lake.  We also trimmed bushes, washed dishes, and did other yard work.  Yes, I know, not the most exciting stuff to be doing Smiley but I suppose it is better than when I worked at Burger King.  I also had the job of getting the correct size rollerskates or rollerblades for the teens, plus I got to enjoy helping out with some of the games/activities.  One of the games involved me trying to get the ball from three of the campers.  I came running at them yelling and hollering like crazy.  Lol Smiley, they freely gave me the ball without a fight.  In between all of this, I got sick on Thursday evening  Smiley, I guess it was from my allergies and sinuses.  I didn't feel well and also didn't want to eat anything....a sure sign that I was sick, lol, because I usually love to eat.  They took temperature which was 101 degrees Smiley so they gave me Motrin and sent me to bed early.  I went to bed at 8:00 p.m. and didn't get up until 8:00 a.m., I definitely felt a whole lot better after that long rest.  Anyway, this week we are being "invaded" by junior age campers, lol Smiley, it should be fun.  Below is a picture of me helping out with one of the roller skating activities, I am standing on the left wearing a blue t-shirt, baggy shorts, and roller blades:


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