Monday, June 18, 2012

Letters from Camp #2

Smiley Hi everyone!  Another week of summer camp has gone by and I survived, lol!  We had junior age campers last week and as usual it was a lot of fun.  Compared to the teen campers, I found the junior age boys to be really noisy Smiley but that is how kids can be when they're excited.  I enjoyed being camp counselor once again, although one of my campers seemed to always fall out of his bed during the night every night....even though he was on the bottom bunk.  It was a great week of preaching with 10 campers getting saved !  As for me, the only mishap I had was turning my ankle on two different ocassions while playing games with the kids...ouch!  Oh, there was that rubber chicken that one of my campers tossed at me, lol.  Anyway, this week I have been switched over to operational staff, so I won't be a camp counselor with the kids this week.  Operational staff members do things like yard work or operate the snack or gift shop.  It's a new change for me so we'll see how this goes.  Either way, it's been great fun working here, then enjoying time with fellow counselor friends on the weekend, and going to church too.  Below is a goofy picture of me and my fellow counselors dressed all funny for a game we play with the kids, called "Counselor Hunt", they have a great time with it.  I am the one on the left with the bushy brown wig and eyeglasses.  See you next week!Waving


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