Monday, July 2, 2012

Letters from camp #4

Lost At SeaGreetings from camp!  I hope you all have been able to stay cool inspite of the crazy heat we've been having.  Temperatures have been in the 100's for the past couple of days Smiley, way too hot for anything.  We had a full week for camp......100 junior-age campers, fun!  I spent my time being an assistant camp counselor and also helping out on operational staff.  I also spent some time being sick againSmiley, it seems all the camp staff here is sharing a bad virus, coughing, stuffy, etc.  Ugh, not the kind of stuff I care to share!  This past Saturday, I went home to visit my family (I only live about an hour and a half from the camp). I had not been home in a month, so it definitely felt good to see everyone againSmiley, and they were all excited to see me.  My mom treated me to a meal at McDonald's, some cold medicine, and plus there were plenty of leftovers for me to eat, lol.....moms are good at making sure you are taken care of Smiley .  I got to enjoy some time with my siblings, some computer time, and church time as well.  It was a restful and relaxing time for me, but before I knew it I had to make the drive back to camp.  This week we are being "invaded" again by junior-age campers, lol, although not as many as we had last week.  It has been a great blessing working there at the camp, cetainly a wonderful group of people to work with Smiley

Goofy friends!

That's me on the lower left, wearing the sombrero, lol!

Mail time! 
There's the back of my head at the end of the table,lol, I'm wearing a bue shirt!


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